Magnolia United Methodist Church is proud of its Scouting Ministry.
We sponsor:
· Cub Scout Pack 1178 meets at Ellisor Elementary
· Cub Scout Pack 1114 meets at the Church on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.
· BSA Troop 1114 for Boys meets at the Church on Mondays at 7:00 pm.
· BSA Troop 1115 for Girls meets at the Church on Mondays at 7:00 pm.
For information on any of our Scouting units, please contact Jim Keck at 832-256-5444.
The goal is to improve the quality of life of our neighbors with limited mobility, by creating access to the great outdoors. This program is sponsored by Magnolia United Methodist Church and is an affiliate of Cycling Without Age. The bike is specially designed for easy access for those with limited mobility. It comes with seat-belts and a canopy to reduce sun/rain exposure.
To schedule your time, or if you are interested in volunteering as a driver call the church office at 282-356-6647 or contact Brent Frenchak at 832-275-8240 or
The Fitness Center is owned and operated as a ministry of the
Magnolia United Methodist Church. For more information, please call the Fitness Center at 281-259-2828.
Their Vision is to unite churches and other non-profit groups in a community partnership to relieve physical and financial burdens so that the spiritual burdens of individuals can be more readily addressed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.